
Case Study: Group Therapy

Maximize Drink Revenue and Bartender Output with the PushX Mobile Drink Ticket System


In an effort to increase revenue and enhance operational efficiency, our venue, Group Therapy, implemented the PushX Drink Ticket System in September 2023. This case study examines the impact of this system on revenue growth, bartender efficiency, and customer satisfaction over the periods 2022/2023 and 2023/2024.

Key Metrics

POS System

83 sec

Avg Transaction Time


Avg Bartender Tip

PushX System

8 sec

Avg Transaction Time


Avg Bartender Tip


POS Revenue Growth


(After PushX Implementation in 2023)

PushX Revenue Growth

+ $65,172

(New revenue generated in 2023)



Drink Output Increase with PushX


Drink Tip Increase with PushX

POS System

Average Transaction Time: 83 seconds

If a bartender works for 1 hour: 3600 seconds

3600 sec / 83 sec: ~43.4 transactions / hour

Average Drink Tip: 17%

PushX System

Average Transaction Time: 7.8 seconds

If a bartender works for 1 hour: 3600 seconds

3600 sec / 7.8 sec: ~461.5 transactions / hour

Average Drink Tip: 21%

If you don't believe the 9.7x in drink output, book a demo and we'll show you ;)

Analysis and Insights

Revenue Growth

The implementation of the PushX Drink Ticket System has contributed to a significant increase in overall revenue. The average revenue growth of the POS system increased by 23.80% after implementing PushX, showcasing the effectiveness of the PushX marketing tools (SMS blasts, social media promotions, and in-app promotions).

Efficiency Maximization

The PushX system has drastically reduced the average transaction time for drink purchases, from 83 seconds with the POS system to just 7.8 seconds. This efficiency not only enhances the customer experience but also allows bartenders to serve more customers in less time, potentially increasing the drink output by approximately 961%.

Tipping Surge

The average tip percentage saw an improvement, with the PushX system garnering a higher average tip (21.2%) compared to the POS system (17.8%), representing a 19.10% increase. This indicates that customers may feel more satisfied with the quicker and more efficient service provided by PushX.


Case Study: Group Therapy

Maximize Drink Revenue and Bartender Output with the PushX Mobile Drink Ticket System


In an effort to increase revenue and enhance operational efficiency, our venue, Group Therapy, implemented the PushX Drink Ticket System in September 2023. This case study examines the impact of this system on revenue growth, bartender efficiency, and customer satisfaction over the periods 2022/2023 and 2023/2024.

Key Metrics


Drink Output


Tip Increase

POS System

83 sec

Average Transaction Time


Average Bartender Tip

PushX System

8 sec

Average Transaction Time


Average Bartender Tip


POS Revenue Growth

(After PushX Implementation in 2023)


Average POS Revenue Increase

PushX Drink Revenue

(New revenue generated by PushX)

+ $65,172

Additional Drink Revenue In 2023/2024



Drink Output Increase with PushX

Drink Tip Increase with PushX



POS System

Average Transaction Time: 83 seconds

If a bartender works for 1 hour: 3600 seconds

3600 sec / 83 sec = ~43.4 transactions / hour

Average Drink Tip: 17.1%

PushX System

Average Transaction Time: 7.8 seconds

If a bartender works for 1 hour: 3600 seconds

3600 sec / 7.8 sec = ~461.5 transactions / hour

Average Drink Tip: 21.3%

Analysis and Insights

Revenue Growth

The implementation of the PushX Drink Ticket System has contributed to a significant increase in overall revenue. The average revenue growth of the POS system increased by 23.80% after implementing PushX, showcasing the effectiveness of the PushX marketing tools (SMS blasts, social media promotions, and in-app promotions).

Efficiency Maximization

The PushX system has drastically reduced the average transaction time for drink purchases, from 83 seconds with the POS system to just 7.8 seconds. This efficiency not only enhances the customer experience but also allows bartenders to serve more customers in less time, potentially increasing the drink output by approximately 961%. (Yes, this is a real metric)

Tipping Surge

The average tip percentage saw an improvement, with the PushX system garnering a higher average tip (21.2%) compared to the POS system (17.8%), representing a 19.10% increase. This indicates that customers may feel more satisfied with the quicker and more efficient service provided by PushX.